10+ Types Of Visa And Cost

Is this your first time on travelling ? Kindly make enquires on the Types Of Visa card needed for your travel.

We have researched on the Types Of Visa Needed for travelling and how much they cost.

Normally, A visa is an official document that allows the bearer to legally enter a foreign country.

What Is A Visa ?

According To Wikipedia, A visa card ( which originated from the Latin charta visa, meaning “paper that has to be seen“).

A Visa is a conditional document authorization granted by a polity to a foreigner that allows them to enter, remain within, or to leave its territory.

Visas typically include limits on the duration of the foreigner’s stay, areas within the country they may enter, the dates they may enter, the number of permitted visits, or if the individual has the ability to work in the country in question.

Visas are associated with the request for permission to enter a territory and this are, in most countries, distinct from actual formal permission for an alien to enter and remain in the country.

In each instance, the type of visa is subject to entry permission by an immigration official at the time of actual entry and can be revoked at any time.

Visa evidence most commonly takes the form of a sticker endorsed in the applicant’s passport or other travel document but may also exist electronically.

Some countries no longer issue physical visa evidence, instead recording details only in immigration databases.

Types Of Visa Card And How Much They Cost?

There are so many Visa type that you can get including tourist visa, student visa, working visa etc….. Some of these Visa include:

• B 1 Visa / B 2 Visa

A B visa is one of a category of non-immigrant visas issued by the United States government to foreign citizens seeking entry for a temporary period.

The two types of B visa are the B-1 visa, B 1 visa are those visa issued to those seeking entry for business purposes, and the B-2 visa, issued to those seeking entry for tourism or other non-business purposes.

In practice, the two visa categories are usually combined and issued as a “B-1/B-2 visa” valid for a temporary visit for either business or pleasure, or a combination of the two.

Citizens of certain countries do not usually need to obtain a visa for these purposes.

What B 1 Visa Or B 2 Visa Is Used For ?

Under the category of temporary visitor for business, a B-1 visa may be used to enter the U.S. to engage in any of the following activities:

Hold business meetings

Perform certain business functions as a member of the board of directors of a U.S. corporation

Purchase supplies or materials
Interview and hire staff

Negotiate contracts, sign contracts, or take orders for products manufactured outside the United States

Attend a convention, meeting, trade show, or business event for scientific, educational, professional, or business purposes

Settle an estate

Perform independent research

Receive practical medical experience and medical instruction under the supervision and direction of faculty physicians at a U.S. medical school’s hospital as part of a third-year or fourth-year internship as long as the visitor is a studying at a foreign medical school and the visitor is not compensated by the hospital without remuneration from the hospital

Observe U.S. medical practices and consult with medical colleagues on techniques, as long as the visitor is a medical doctor, the visitor receives no compensation from a U.S. source, and the visitor does not provide patient care while in the U.S.

Take photographs, as long as the visitor is a professional photographer and the visitor receives no compensation from a U.S. source

Record music, as long as the visitor is a musician, the recording will be distributed and sold only outside the U.S., and the visitor will give no public performances

Create art, as long as the visitor is a creative artist, the visitor is not under contract with a U.S. employer, and the visitor does not intend to regularly sell such artwork in the U.S.

Perform certain professional services[6]
Perform as a professional entertainer as part of a cultural exchange program performed before a nonpaying audience and funded by visitor’s country

Perform as a professional entertainer as part of a competition for which there is no compensation other than travel expenses or, in certain limited instances, a prize

Perform work as crew on a private yacht that sails out of a foreign home port and cruises in U.S. waters

Perform services on behalf of a foreign-based employer as a jockey, sulky driver, horse trainer, or horse groomer

Compete in a particular athletic competition with the only compensation being prize money as long as the prize money is not the recipient’s primary source of income

Try out for a professional sports team[4] as long as the visitor is not compensated other than reimbursement of travel expenses

Participate in an athletic tournament or athletic sporting event as a professional athlete, as long as the visitor’s only compensation is prize money, the visitor’s principal place of business or activity is outside the U.S., the visitor’s primary source of income is outside the U.S., and the visitor is either part of an international sports league or the sporting activities involved have an international dimension[3]

Survey potential sites for a business

Perform as a lecturer or speaker

Work for a foreign exhibitor in connection with exhibits at international fairs or international exhibits, as long as the visitor’s employment responsibilities are primarily outside the U.S.

Install service, or repair commercial or industrial equipment or machinery that was sold by a non-U.S. company to a U.S. buyer when specifically required by the purchase contract; construction work is not allowed

Perform a minor amount of volunteer services, excluding construction, for a religious organization or a nonprofit charitable organization, as long as volunteering is not the primary purpose of entering the U.S.

Participate in a training program that is not designed primarily to provide employment[4]
Observe how a business operates or how professional activities are conducted

Seek investments in the U.S., without actually performing productive labor or actively participating in the management of a business

Participate in Peace Corps training as a volunteer or under contract

Participate in the United Nations Institute for Training and Research internship program, as long a foreign government does not employ the visitor

Drill for oil on the Outer Continental Shelf

As a minister of religion, engage in an evangelical tour, as long as the visitor does not intend to take an appointment with any one church and the visitor will be supported by offerings contributed at each evangelical meeting

As a minister of religion, temporarily exchange pulpits with U.S. ministers of religion, as long as the visitor will continue to be reimbursed by a foreign church and will not be compensated by the U.S. church

Perform missionary work, religious instruction, religious aid to the elderly or needy, or religious proselytizing as a member of a religious denomination, as long as the work does not involve the selling of articles, the solicitation of donation, the acceptance of donations, administrative work, or is a substitute for ordinary labor for hire, and the visitor will not be compensated from U.S. sources other than an allowance or other reimbursement for travel expenses incidental to the temporary stay

Participating in an organized project conducted by a recognized religious or nonprofit charitable organization that benefits U.S. local communities, as long as the visitor is a member of, and has a commitment to, the particular organization, the visitor receives no compensation from a U.S. source other than reimbursement of travel expenses,

Work as a personal employee or a domestic employee of an employer who seeks admission into, or who is already in, the United States in B, E, F, H, I, J, L, M, O, P, Q, or R non-immigrant status, if and only if the employee has been employed outside the U.S. in a similar capacity prior to the date the employer enters the U.S., the employee has a residence outside the U.S. that the employee has no intention of abandoning, the employer compensates the employee based on the prevailing wage, and the employer provides the employee free room and board.

Work as a personal employee or a domestic employee of a U.S. citizen employer, if and only if the employer ordinarily resides outside the U.S.; the employer is traveling to the U.S. temporarily; the employer is subject to frequent international transfers of at least two years; the employer will reside in the U.S. for no more than four year as a condition of employment; the employer has regularly employed a domestic employee in the same capacity while outside the U.S.; the employee has a minimum of one year of experience in the same capacity; the employer provides the employee with the prevailing wage, room, board, and round-trip transportation; and the employee has a residence outside the U.S. that the employee has no intention of abandoning.

Uses Of B 2 Visa?

Under the category of temporary visitor for pleasure, a B-2 visa can be used to enter the U.S. to engage in any of the following activities.

Travel within the U.S.

Visit family or friends

Participate in a convention, a conference, or a convocation of a fraternal, social, or service nature

Obtain medical treatment, as long as the visitor has the means to pay for it

Enroll in a short, recreational course of study, as long as it is not credited toward a degree

Participate in an event, talent show, or a contest as an amateur, as long the visitor is not typically compensated for such participation and the visitor does not actually receive payment, other than reimbursement of travel expenses etc.

Cost Of B 1 Visa And B 2 Visa Card ?

All applicants for a B-1 and/or B-2 visa must pay an application fee, US$160 as of 2021.

If the application is approved, individuals who are nationals of certain countries must pay an issuance fee, which varies by nationality and is typically based on reciprocity.

For some countries the issuance fee also varies depending on the desired visa validity, number of entries and visa subtype (B-1, B-2 or combined B-1/B-2).

• F Visa

In the United States, the F visas are a type of non-immigrant student visa that allows foreigners to pursue education (academic studies and/or language training programs) in the United States.

F-1 students must maintain a full course of study. F-1 visas are only issued in U.S. embassies and consulates outside the United States, although extensions of stay and changes of status may be possible within the United States.

Prospective F-1 students must apply at the schools and receive a form I-20 in order to apply for an F-1 visa.

F-1 students must show that they are able to support themselves during their stay in the U.S., as their opportunities for legal employment are quite limited.

F-2 visas are given to dependents of an F-1 student. F-2 visa-holders are prohibited from any form of compensated employment.

However, minor children may attend public schools. Finally, the F-3 visa is issued to Canadians and Mexicans who commute across the border to attend American schools.

• J – 1 Visa

A J-1 visa is a non-immigrant type of visa issued by the United States to research scholars, professors and exchange visitors participating in programs that promote cultural exchange, especially to obtain medical or business training within the U.S.

All applicants must meet eligibility criteria, English language requirements, and be sponsored either by a university, private sector or government program. 353,300 J-1 visas were issued in 2019.

• Work Permit Visa

A work permit or work visa is the permission to take a job within a foreign country.

• O Visa

An O visa is a classification of non-immigrant temporary worker visa granted by the United States to an alien “who possesses extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics, or who has a demonstrated record of extraordinary achievement in the motion picture or television industry and has been recognized nationally or internationally for those achievements”, and to certain assistants and immediate family members of such aliens.

According to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, there are three types of O visas:

O-1A: individuals with an extraordinary ability in the sciences, education, business, or athletics (not including the arts, motion pictures or television industry)

O-1B: individuals with an extraordinary ability in the arts or extraordinary achievement in motion picture or television industry.

O-2: individuals who will accompany an O-1, artist or athlete, to assist in a specific event or performance. “For an O-1A, the O-2’s assistance must be an ‘integral part’ of the O-1A’s activity. For an O-1B, the O-2’s assistance must be ‘essential’ to the completion of the O-1B’s production.

The O-2 worker has critical skills and experience with the O-1 that cannot be readily performed by a U.S. worker and which are essential to the successful performance of the O-1.

O-3: individuals who are the spouse or children of O-1s and O-2s.

An O-1 visa is initially granted for up to three years. Subsequently, it can be extended for one year at a time.


I'm Kelly, who loves to write about safety, security, and spy stuff. I've always been fascinated by the hidden world of intelligence and espionage, and I love learning new things about how to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

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