Reasons And 8+ List Of Grounds For Divorce

We will be discussing some of the reasons of grounds for divorce and the top list of them.

What Grounds For Divorce Is All About ?

According To Wikipedia, Grounds for divorce are regulations specifying the circumstances under which a person will be granted a divorce.

Adultery is the most common grounds for divorce. However, there are countries that view male adultery differently than female adultery as grounds for divorce.

Before decisions on divorce are considered, one might check into state laws and country laws for legal divorce or separation as each culture has stipulations for divorce.

List Of Grounds for Divorce

Here are technically some of the reasons of Grounds for a divorce – irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.

• Adultery

Adultery is extramarital s*x that is considered objectionable on social, religious, moral, or legal grounds for divorce in marriages.

Although the s*xual activities that constitute adultery vary, as well as the social, religious, and legal consequences, the concept exists in many cultures and is similar in Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

Adultery is viewed by many jurisdictions as offensive to public morals, undermining the marriage relationship.


Cruelty is pleasure in inflicting suffering or inaction towards another’s suffering when a clear remedy is readily available.

Cruelty is also one of the list/ reasons of grounds for divorce in many marriages and relationships.

Sadism can also be related to this form of action or concept. Cruel ways of inflicting suffering may involve violence, but affirmative violence is not necessary for an act to be cruel.

For example, if a person is drowning and begging for help and another person is able to help with no cost or risk, but is merely watching with disinterest or perhaps mischievous amusement, that person is being cruel—rather than violent.

George Eliot stated that “cruelty, like every other vice, requires no motive outside itself; it only requires opportunity.

Bertrand Russell stated that “the infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists. That is why they invented Hell.

Gilbert K. Chesterton stated that “cruelty is, perhaps, the worst kind of sin. Intellectual cruelty is certainly the worst kind of cruelty.

• Child Abandonment

Another reason for Grounds For Divorce is Child abandonmen,t which is the practice of relinquishing interests and claims over one’s offspring in an illegal way, with the intent of never resuming or reasserting guardianship.

The phrase is typically used to describe the physical abandonment of a child, but it can also include severe cases of neglect and emotional abandonment, such as when parents fail to provide financial and emotional support for children over an extended period of time.

An abandoned child is referred to as a foundling (as opposed to a runawa y or an orphan).

Baby dumping refers to parents leaving a child younger than 12 months in a public or private place with the intent of terminating their care for the child.

It is also known as rehoming when adoptive parents use illegal means, such as the internet, to find new homes for their children.

• Domestic Violence

Domestic violence (also called domestic abuse or family violence) is violence or other abuse that occurs in a domestic setting, such as in a marriage or cohabitation.

Domestic violence is often used as a synonym for intimate partner violence, which is committed by one of the people in an intimate relationship against the other person, and can take place in either heterosexual or same-sex relationships or between former spouses or partners.

In its broadest sense, domestic violence also involves violence against children, parents, or the elderly.

It can assume multiple forms, including physical, verbal, emotional, economic, religious, reproductive, or sexual abuse, which can range from subtle, coercive forms to marital rape and other violent physical abuse, such as choking, beating, female genital mutilation, and acid throwing that may result in disfigurement or death.

Domestic murder includes stoning, bride burning, honor killing, and dowry death, which sometimes involves non-cohabitating family members and may lead to divorce.

• Bigamy

In cultures where monogamy is mandated, bigamy is the act of entering into a marriage with one person while still legally married to another.

A legal or de facto separation of the couple does not after their marital status as married persons.

In the case of a person in the process of divorcing their spouse, that person is taken to be legally married until such time as the divorce becomes final or absolute under the law of the relevant jurisdiction.

Bigamy laws do not apply to couples in a de facto or cohabitation relationship, or that enter such relationships when one is legally married.

If the prior marriage is for any reason void, the couple is not married, and hence each party is free to marry another without falling foul of the bigamy laws.

• Irreconcilable Differences

The concept of irreconcilable differences provides possible grounds for divorce in a number of jurisdictions.

• Infidelity

Infidelity (synonyms include cheating, straying, adultery, being unfaithful, two-timing, or having an affair) is a violation of a couple’s emotional and/or s*xual exclusivity that commonly results in feelings of anger, sexual jealousy, and rivalry.

What constitutes infidelity depends on expectations within the relationship. In marital relationships, exclusivity is commonly assumed. Infidelity can cause psychological damage, including feelings of rage and betrayal, low s*xual and personal confidence, and even post-traumatic stress disorder.

Men and women can experience social consequences if their act of infidelity becomes public, but the form and extent of these consequences often depend on the gender of the unfaithful person.

• Legal Separation

Legal separation (sometimes judicial separation, separate maintenance, is a legal process by which a married couple may formalize a de facto separation while remaining legally married.

A legal separation is granted in the form of a court order. In cases where children are involved, a court order of legal separation often makes child custody arrangements, specifying sole custody or shared parenting, as well as child support.

Some couples obtain a legal separation as an alternative to a divorce, based on moral or religious objections to divorce.

Legal separation does not automatically lead to divorce. The couple might reconcile, in which case they do not have to do anything in order to continue their marriage.

Some of the above reasons are list of Grounds for divorce in many marriages and relationships.


I'm Kelly, who loves to write about safety, security, and spy stuff. I've always been fascinated by the hidden world of intelligence and espionage, and I love learning new things about how to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

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