Mortgage Solutions Financial

Mortgage Solutions Financial offers a comprehensive range of services to help individuals and families procure new homes, refinance their existing mortgages and reduce their monthly payments.

Mortgage Solutions Financial Review

The company was founded by retired Air Force Officer, Roy Clennan.

Mortgage Solutions Financial operates just like a firm family unit guided by strong professionalism, expertise and excellence in customer service.

Mortgage Solutions opened their doors in April 1995. Since then Mortgage Solutions Financial has grown to become one of the most respected family owned mortgage companies.

Under the leadership of Rob Clennan, their vision has expanded with locations and hundreds of employees all across the country.

Mortgage Solutions Financial offers a comprehensive range of services to help individuals and families procure new homes, refinance their existing mortgages and reduce their monthly payments.

They are in your neighborhood, with professional staff that live where you do and who are committed to understanding your needs.

Mortgage Solutions Financial options for direct lending and seven-days-a-week availability, there is no time like now to contact them. Whenever you are ready, you can talk to them, and find a loan program that’s just right for you.

How Mortgage Solutions Financial Works?

At Mortgage Solutions Financial, they believe every client should be served with integrity, dignity and respect, starting with their mortgage process which they have streamlined to make the process of buying your dream home as simple and painless as possible.

Step 1: Talk To Mortgage Solutions

You like coffee? They also do, and they would love to share a cup. If not, a phone call will do just fine.

During your first meeting, mortgage solutions financial will set goals, discuss their respective roles, cover everything you will need to provide, and review the different loans they offer.

2. The Application Process

The more information mortgage solutions get at the application stage, the faster and smoother the rest of the process will go.

3. The Documentation

Remember all the stuff mortgage solutions financial told you that you will need in Step 1? This is when mortgage solutions financial need it.

Your loan officer will help you collect everything, including W2s, pay stubs, tax returns, bank statements and more.

4. The Appraisal

This is where so many loans get bogged down. That’s why MSF work with some of the best appraisers in the industry to make sure your loan keeps moving forward.

And if for some reason the home doesn’t appraise high enough, they can help you figure out your next steps, too.

5. The Underwriting

As a direct lender, mortgage solutions financial underwrite their own loans, which helps them avoid any last minute hiccups and get to closing faster.

6. Conditional Approval

Congratulations, you are approved! Sort of. The underwriter has created a list of conditions that need to be met before the loan receives final approval.

7. The Processing

Once you are approved with conditions. The processor will work to get all those conditions met quickly so they can avoid any last-minute scrambling that, at so many other companies, leads to a rescheduled closing date.

8. Final Underwriting

Their underwriter will take one last look at your loan to verify that all the conditions have been met.

Once they verify that all the i’s have been dotted and the t’s have been crossed, the loan process is over and you’re ready for closing.

9. The Closing

Mortgage Solutions Financial work directly with the closing team to get your final paperwork ready and confirm the funds needed at close.

All the steps they have taken, from their initial conversation to the final underwriting, have led up to this point.

Now all you have to do is sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, and sign some more and finally, the keys to your new home will be yours.

Mortgage Solutions Financial Loans For You

Here are best loan you can apply for through mortgage solutions financial online with ease.

• Mortgage Solutions Financial Purchase

Whether you are buying your first home, an investment property, or your dream home, Mortgage Solutions Financial can help.

As a direct lender, they have the flexibility and resources to look beyond your credit score and create a loan that fits you today, and in the years to come.

Whichever loan program you choose, remember, it’s important to get approved first, before you start looking for a home.

Agents will be eager to work with you, and sellers will take your offer more seriously. Get started and apply today.

• Home Refinancing Loan

Homeowners refinance for a variety of reasons. Whether you want to lower your interest rate, convert an existing ARM so you can budget more easily, shorten the term of your mortgage, or pull out some cash for college tuition, a vacation, or some much-needed repairs? Mortgage Solutions Financial can help.

Of course, refinancing isn’t the right move for everyone. If you don’t plan on staying in your house much longer, if you’ve been paying your mortgage for more than a decade, or if your credit rating is lower now than when you got your original mortgage, refinancing probably isn’t for you.

Before you make a decision, make sure to call one of our loan specialists at (877) 899-3614.

Mortgage Solutions Financial Sub Loans

• Rural / Agricultural Loan

Whether you want to purchase a rural home, farmhouse or commercial farm, ranch, vineyard, orchard, or more, can help.

• Hobby Farm

Owning a farm doesn’t have to be a full-time job. In fact, most hobby farmers have a source of income separate from the farm, such as a non-farming job, a pension, retirement fund, or trust fund. A hobby farm is just that: a hobby.

If you’re interested in owning a hobby farm, consider a Rural Hobby Farm loan with a fixed interest rate from theirr partner,

• Renovations Loan

Buying a house that needs repairs can be a real Catch-22: the bank won’t lend the money to buy the house until the repairs are made, but you can’t make the repairs until you’ve bought the house.

Before you walk away from the deal, take a look at an FHA 203k Renovation Loan. This special program combines the funds for purchase and renovation into one convenient loan.

Once the loan is closed, the renovation funds are held in escrow to pay for renovation work done by approved contractors.

FHA 203k Renovation Loans are available in Standard and Streamlined versions.

The Standard version is intended for homes that require engineering or architectural drawings and inspections.

Standard 203k loans are also recommended for homes that need extensive structural repairs, including room additions, exterior grading and landscaping, or any renovation that prohibits you from living in the home until completed.

If your home requires less extensive improvements, or the total renovations and related expenses will not exceed $35,000, consider the Streamline 203k.

This loan doesn’t require a consultant, architect, or engineer, and features a lower number of inspections.

• Arm Loans

An adjustable rate mortgage, or ARM, is typically for borrowers who don’t expect to own their home for an extended period of time.

With an ARM, the interest rate is fixed for a set period (usually three, five, seven or ten years), and then adjusts periodically.

During the initial fixed-rate period, the rate is generally lower than what you’ll find on comparable fixed-rate mortgages.

However, after the fixed-rate period ends, the rate can go up, which would increase your monthly mortgage payment.

For this reason, an ARM is not recommended for every buyer.

• FHA Loans

Don’t let a low down payment, lack of credit history, or inability to cover closing costs keep you from buying a home. With an FHA loan, you still may qualify.

That’s because FHA loans were developed to promote home ownership by providing an alternative to conventional financing, which has stricter qualification requirements.

• VA Loan

A VA loan is one of the greatest benefits of military service available. To date, millions of people have used a VA loan to purchase a home.

Although VA loans are guaranteed by the federal government, the VA doesn’t actually make the loan.

That’s why it’s important for you to choose a lender who puts your best interests first. After all, you’ve always put the interests of others ahead of your own; isn’t it time someone returned the favor?

There are two primary benefits of a VA loan: the borrower typically doesn’t need to make a down payment (certain restrictions apply), and there are no private mortgage insurance (PMI) requirements.

Wrapping Up On Mortgage Solutions Financial

Mortgage Solutions Financial offers a comprehensive range of services to help individuals and families procure new homes, refinance their existing mortgages and reduce their monthly payments.


I'm Kelly, who loves to write about safety, security, and spy stuff. I've always been fascinated by the hidden world of intelligence and espionage, and I love learning new things about how to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

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