How Long Does A Background Check Take

Overview On How Long Does A Background Check Take?

How long does a background check take? The time it takes for a background check to complete depends on a number of factors, including the type of background check, the jurisdiction(s) being searched, and the volume of requests being processed.

Generally, most background checks take between 1-2 weeks to complete, but some can take longer.

The length of time it takes to complete a background check can depend on the type of information being requested, the number of records that need to be checked, and the number of agencies involved.

If you are requesting only basic information, like a criminal history check, the background check should be completed fairly quickly.

However, if you are requesting more in-depth information, like employment or education verification, the background check can take longer to complete.

The number of records that need to be checked can also affect the length of the background check. FAQs: What Does A Background Check Show? |

For example, if you are requesting information from multiple states, the background check may take longer.

In general, however, most background checks can be completed within 2-5 business days.

Factors That May Affect How Long A Background Check Can Take?

How long does a background check take
How Long Does A Background Check Take

The turnaround time of how long a background check can take may be affected by a number of factors, including:

  1. Type of background check: Different types of paid and free background checks no credit card needed can take different amounts of time to complete. For example, a criminal background check may be completed more quickly than an education or employment verification check.
  2. Jurisdiction(s) being searched: If the background check includes searches in multiple jurisdictions, it may take longer to complete. This is because each jurisdiction has its own process for searching for and providing records.
  3. Volume of requests being processed: If the background check company is processing a high volume of requests, it may take longer for your background check to be completed.
  4. Accuracy of the information provided: If the information you provide to the background check company is inaccurate or incomplete, it may delay the completion of your background check.
  5. Complexity of the background check: If your background check is complex, for example if you have a criminal record or have lived in multiple jurisdictions, it may take longer to complete.

Other factors that may affect the turnaround time of a background check include:

  • Holidays and weekends: Background check companies may be closed or have reduced staffing on holidays and weekends, which can delay the processing of background checks.
  • Natural disasters: Natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods can also disrupt the operations of background check companies and delay the processing of background checks.
  • Unforeseen events: Unforeseen events such as cyberattacks or system outages can also delay the processing of background checks.

It is important to note that the delay time on background checks can vary depending on the factors listed above. FAQs: How Far Back Does A Background Check Go? |

If you have any questions or concerns about the turnaround time of your background check, you should contact the background check company directly.

Different Background Checks And How Long They Take?

How long does a background check take
How Long Does A Background Check Take

1. Criminal Background Check

how long does a criminal background check take? The timeline for a criminal background check can vary depending on the information being requested and the jurisdiction where the check is being conducted.

Typically, a criminal background check can take anywhere from 3-14 days to complete.

However, some states and counties have longer turnaround times due to the volume of records they need to check.

If a criminal record is sealed or expunged, it can also take longer to obtain the information.

There are a few things that can slow down the process of a criminal background check:

  • One of the most common reasons is when someone has a common name. With a common name, it can be difficult to narrow down the search results and find the correct record.
  • Additionally, if a person has lived in multiple states, it can take longer to obtain the records from each state.
  • Another common reason for delays is when the records are not digitized, and need to be pulled from microfilm or paper files.

2. Employment Background Check

These type of background checks typically take 3-5 days to complete. However, there are a few things that can slow down the process.

First, if the employer is requesting information from multiple sources, like past employers or education institutions, it can take longer to get the information back.

Additionally, if the employer is requesting sensitive information, like salary or medical records, it may require additional verification steps that can add time to the process.

3. Education Verification Check

Education verification checks can take anywhere from 1-2 weeks to complete. This is because the information needs to be verified with each educational institution that the person has attended.

Some institutions are faster than others at responding to verification requests. Additionally, if the person has attended multiple institutions, it can take longer to gather all of the information.

One thing that can speed up the process is if the person has an official transcript that can be sent to the employer.

4. Credit Background Check

Moving on to credit checks! The timeline for these checks can vary depending on the credit reporting agency being used.

However, most credit checks take about 2-3 days to complete. If there are any issues with the person’s credit history, it can take longer to get the information.

Additionally, if the person has frozen their credit, it can take longer to get the information released.

5. Driving Record Check

Excellent question that you asked of how long a driving background check may take? Most Driving record checks typically take 1-3 days to complete.

However, if the driving record is from a different state, it can take up to a week to receive the information.

This is because each state has its own system for maintaining driving records, and they may need to be requested from the state’s (DMV) Department of Motor Vehicles.

6. Drug Test Check

Drug tests can vary in the amount of time it takes to get results. However, most drug tests take about 3-5 days to get the results back.

Some drug tests, like urine or saliva tests, can have faster turnaround times. However, more complex tests, like hair follicle tests, can take up to 10 days to get the results back.

7. Professional License Background Check

Professional license verifications can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to complete.

This is because each state has its own process for verifying licenses, and some states are faster than others.

Additionally, some professions have additional requirements that can add time to the verification process.

For example, some medical professions require board certification, which can take several weeks to complete.

In Specific profession like nursing, Most states use an online system called Nursys to verify nursing licenses.

This system allows you to quickly and easily verify a nurse’s license. However, some states still use a paper-based verification system, which can take several weeks to complete.

8. Reference Check

Reference checks can vary in the amount of time it takes to complete, depending on how many references you have and how quickly they respond.

However, most reference background checks take about 1-2 weeks to complete. This is because it takes time to contact the references and get their responses.

Once all of the references have been contacted, it can take a few more days to compile the information and provide a report.

9. International Background Check

International background checks can be more complex and time-consuming than domestic checks. This is because they involve verifying information from another country, which can be difficult and time-consuming.

Depending on the country, the process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

There may also be additional steps, like translations or apostilles, that can add to the time it takes to complete the check.

10. Social Media Background Check

How long a social media background checks take can also vary depending on the type of information being requested.

If you’re looking for a basic search, like a simple Google search, it can be done in a matter of minutes.

However, if you are looking for more in-depth information, like social media activity or comments, it can take a few days to a few weeks.

This is because the social media sites have different policies and procedures for releasing information.

Tips For Expediting How Long Background Check Take?

  1. Complete all required paperwork promptly and accurately. This includes providing the background check company with all necessary authorizations and releases.
  2. Be responsive to any questions or requests from the background check company. The sooner you provide the requested information, the sooner your background check can be completed.
  3. If you have any questions or concerns about your background check, contact the background check company directly. They can explain the process and provide you with updates on the status of your check.

Here are some additional tips that may help to expedite your background check:

  • Request an expedited background check. Many background check companies offer expedited services for an additional fee.
  • Provide the background check company with as much information as possible. This includes your full name, date of birth, Social Security number, and all previous addresses.
  • Be available to answer the background check company’s questions. They may need to contact you to verify information or to ask additional questions.
  • If you have any criminal records, be prepared to explain them to the background check company. Honesty and transparency can help to expedite the process.

It is important to note that even if you follow all of these tips, there is no guarantee that your background check will be expedited.

The question on how long does a a background check take can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the type of background check being performed, the jurisdiction(s) being searched, and the volume of requests being processed.

However, by following these tips, you can increase the chances of your background check being completed quickly and efficiently.

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